
Crypto-beleggers: wantrouwen instanties en zijn en complotdenkers - onderzoek

Crypto-beleggers: wantrouwen instanties en zijn en complotdenkers - onderzoek

Welke crypto belegger herkent zich in dit onderzoek? Een nieuwe studie verbindt beleggers in crypto aan complotdenken en wantrouwen. Het onderzoek is uit juli, maar we vonden het toch de moete waard om te brengen.

Volgens een studie, uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Toronto en de Universiteit van Miami, blijkt er een opvallende trend onder crypto-beleggers. Deze beleggers hebben vaak overtuigingen die worden geassocieerd met wantrouwen tegenover reguliere instituties en scepticisme ten opzichte van officiële verklaringen.

Het onderzoek, dat werd gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift PLOS One, toont aan dat mensen die investeren in crypto gemiddeld genomen meer geneigd zijn om in complottheorieën te geloven, extremistische groepen te steunen en populistische gevoelens te uiten.

De onderzoekers gebruikten een grote steekproef en analyseerden verschillende sociale en psychologische variabelen naast financieel gedrag.

The political, psychological, and social correlates of cryptocurrency ownership
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset secured by cryptography that has become a popular medium of exchange and investment known for its anonymous transactions, unregulated markets, and volatile prices. Given the popular subculture of traders it has created, and its implications for financial markets and monetary policy, scholars have recently begun to examine the political, psychological, and social characteristics of cryptocurrency investors. A review of the existing literature suggests that cryptocurrency owners may possess higher-than-average levels of nonnormative psychological traits and exhibit a range of non-mainstream political identities. However, this extant literature typically employs small nonrepresentative samples of respondents and examines only a small number of independent variables in each given study. This presents the opportunity for both further testing of previous findings as well as broader exploratory analyses including more expansive descriptive investigations of cryptocurrency owners. To that end, we polled 2,001 American adults in 2022 to examine the associations between cryptocurrency ownership and individual level political, psychological, and social characteristics. Analyses revealed that 30% of our sample have owned some form of cryptocurrency and that these individuals exhibit a diversity of political allegiances and identities. We also found that crypto ownership was associated with belief in conspiracy theories, “dark” personality characteristics (e.g., the “Dark Tetrad” of narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism), and more frequent use of alternative and fringe social media platforms. When examining a more comprehensive multivariate model, the variables that most strongly predict cryptocurrency ownership are being male, relying on alternative/fringe social media as one’s primary news source, argumentativeness, and an aversion to authoritarianism. These findings highlight numerous avenues for future research into the people who buy and trade cryptocurrencies and speak to broader global trends in anti-establishment attitudes and nonnormative behaviors.

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